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sparrow in sweetpeas


By Sanbaz

sparrow in sweetpeas

this little chap was happy munching something in my sweetpeas, in and out for ages

Comments on this photo


Thats a brill photo San.

6 Jul, 2009


cheers carol, just got back from vet, poor angelina been demated, half bold, poor thing, so going to start taking her to be brushed weekly, found a few shops which do cats, worth paying so she doesnt have to go through this every time,

6 Jul, 2009


Wow! Great Pic San :)

6 Jul, 2009


thanx jacque, was sheer luck, just in my kitchen and there he was so grabbed my camera quick,,maybe some insects on there for him

6 Jul, 2009


lovely , lovely photo

6 Jul, 2009


thanx eileen think it could be after greenfly, do they eat them

6 Jul, 2009


Excellent pic! He must like the flavour as well as the smell!

6 Jul, 2009


must have been something paul, thanx

6 Jul, 2009


She may be half bold but bet she feels better for it, i use to have a cat called Beauty although she was healthy she went a bit senil and she literally forgot she had to wash herself, must admit she was 18 when she died, that how bad her memory went, she very really went on the front, & we had moved from waterloo rd (which you know is very busy especially when lights are on )to a quite little street & she got run over.

7 Jul, 2009


awww thats so sad carol, angelina is about 14 now so she is getting a little older and a little lazy to lol

7 Jul, 2009


Bless her.Say hello to her from Smokey.

7 Jul, 2009


will do carol, she`s gone upstairs for a rest now lol,son here now so catch you later carol

7 Jul, 2009


Great photo !

7 Jul, 2009


cheers BB, first time ive seen it happen, must have been greenfly it was after, do you think BB

7 Jul, 2009


I can smell them from here lovely colours too well caught with the sparrow too. cute

7 Jul, 2009


thanx morgana, yes just sheer luck, not seen him on there since

8 Jul, 2009


he'll be back some where you just might not notice him :)

10 Jul, 2009


i guess so im not here 24/7 , lovely to wath them :o)

11 Jul, 2009


Yes sure it was after little aphids San...great way to keep your plants healthy !

11 Jul, 2009


must be doing a geat job BB as i havent had any probs with aphids

11 Jul, 2009


Excellent !

11 Jul, 2009

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