
10 Jul, 2009
Testing my tools in the early days
Comments on this photo
So what is Oamara stone? I imagine something fluid like this with water slipping like silk over the curves.
14 Sep, 2009
Oamaru Stone (Formation and Composition). It is a sedimentary Limestone...... When the Totara Limestone was formed, some 35-40 Million years ago, the sea covered abot 200 sq kms of North Otago, reaching as far west as Aviemor. Hard calcareous shells of marine animals and plants living in the shalow warm seas built up a thick blanket of limey sediment on the sea floor. Over millions of years the soft sediment became lithified (hardened into rock) and was eventually lifted above sea level. This limestone is mostly formed of sand sized bryozoan fragments, with vast numbers of microfossils such as foraminifer, and occasional larger fossils of mollusks, brachipods, corals and echinoderms and sometimes,penguin bones, whale bones and shark's teeth. Before and during deposition of the Totara limestone, submarine volcanoes were active at several centers including Cape Wanbrow and Kakanui. Beds of volcanic ash lie beneath the Totara limestone and forming lenses in the limestone at other localities. The excellence of the limestone as a building and carving stone lies in it's fine grained even texture and freedom of joints and impurities such as volcanic ash. Since it was first quarried in the 1860's limestone has been used in many architecturally important buildings throughout New Zealand and overseas. :>) :>)
30 Sep, 2009
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it looks like its melting...lol
10 Jul, 2009