Happiness Buddha
By Junglejen

20 Jul, 2009
Jolly little fellow,a smile for everyone!
Comments on this photo
I don't think size is important with buddha's! (*-*)
20 Jul, 2009
He's lovely............
20 Jul, 2009
ooh hes lovely, was he very expensive if you dont mind me asking?
x x x
22 Jul, 2009
Ok, I'll be honest....he was £10 in the sale last year in Asda! He was sat all on his own on the shelf, I thought he looked so lonely, he's much happier now he's in the garden! x
22 Jul, 2009
what a bargain and I bet he is much happier than some dusty old shelf
good fine
x x x
22 Jul, 2009
Yes, he's settled in nicely and now he's part of the family, I can't help smiling when I see him sat there on the little bridge. The grandchildren call him 'Fat Harry'!
22 Jul, 2009
bless thats really sweet
x x x
22 Jul, 2009
Namo buddhaya
11 Aug, 2009
8~))) is that Buddha talk...Nano Nano earthling x
11 Aug, 2009
It means bless this buddha,
It means bless all those that see this Buddha,
It means the blessings of Buddha be upon you
It means peace unto you...
It means I like your Buddha
11 Aug, 2009
My Buddha thanks you....
Thanks for the wisdom Indy,
May I accomplish the enlightened path of realization.....
Namo buddhaya.
I've only got another 999,999 to go, x
11 Aug, 2009
Paths? or repetitions of Namo Buddhaya, if the first you'll be going backwards next then!??, if the second i think you need another 999, added to one end or the other of that eh!
plus you would have to add at least...
Namo Gurubhaya
(you know this one)
Namo Dharmaya
Namo Sanghaya
to make it a full set of blessings
and add
Om Mani Padme Hoong
to each one to have said the relevant Mantra to the relevant Buddha...
funny that , but you have (if you didnt know this before) just leapt forward a few lifetimes just learning/hearing this.
There is a saying which states even the animals or birds or fish that hear the sound of the Om Mani Padme Hoong mantra will evolve in the next lifetime to become closer to a great teacher and thus closer to enlightenment. Saying it just once with perfect speech perfect mind and perfect thought, will bring the one who says it to perfect enlightenment, worth a shot I'd say
Welcome to the, we'll get there eventually club...
11 Aug, 2009
Oh and by the way you didn't choose him , he chose you. from where he was sitting contmplating the myriad lifeforms that passed him by it was you that he chose to speak to...think about it!
11 Aug, 2009
Do yo realize that I've just spent several hours googling all that, and I've still to water the garden.
So, Buddha's in a good place, being on the little bridge over the stream...pure(ish) flowing water in a peaceful, shady area of my garden? I've furnished him with a fountain bamboo, acer (atropurperum dissectum) ,fatsia, japanese ferns and St John's Wort. He listens to the sound of the giant bamboo windchimes that I cobbled together.
Ps re: it was me who he chose...absolutely spot on. I told my husband that when he frowned at the little one riding in the Asda trolley looking very pleased with himself, if a little dusty. What can I say,I had no choice.
11 Aug, 2009
Enlightenment comes in the small actions just as surely as the big it just takes a keen sight to percieve the distinction, well done bright eyes!
and just having him around means the hubby is on the path too!
11 Aug, 2009
Namaste ,
Awwww thanks Indy, you're very wise and infinately interesting. Think your right about the hubby, he must be on the path...today is my birthday and he has given me a wonderful gift, another beautiful Buddha. I'm knocked out!
I'll have to look carefully for the right place for him to sit, although I'm getting a feeling that he's 'at home' already. There are now more Buddha's (and elephants!) here th.an people, my world...my garden....my sanctuary.
What does that mantra mean, it sounds lovely when I say it?
My thanks.
12 Aug, 2009
I really don't believe this.....
My daughter returned yesterday from Hong Kong/China on a business trip. Today, she has brought me a litttle surprise present that she bought in Shanghai, yes, you've guessed....two tiny little red jade Buddha's. What is going on here, it's like a Buddha convention!
12 Aug, 2009
12 Aug, 2009
It is said in three phases of the breath
OM on the in breath, visualise white light filling your system
AH on the pause between in and outbreath visualise red purgeing your system of impurities
HUNG on the outbreath, visualise blue purifying your system
pause , repeat as often as needed.
OM purity of speech
AH purity of thought
HUNG purity of action
This is the SIMPLE explanation for the long one google it and see what you get, there are pages dedicated to it and some of the explanations of what it means are VERY long. It is one of the most powerful MANTRAS of all and is principally used for purification purposes to make one clean enough to follow the Bhodisattva calling.
Nice to know that the Buddhas are assembling around you that makes you a special "chosen " one, and will lead to propitious rebirth depending how much you work on it.
Ps I look forward to seeing pics of your Buddhas
12 Aug, 2009
They're very photogenic Buddha's, sit nice and still to have their pictures taken. I'll see what I can come up with...hope they're better shots than of your slime/newts/leeches.
I'll take your shortened version of the mantra for now Indy, will practise later whilst watching the stardust in the sky.
High hands,bless!
12 Aug, 2009
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they are nice arent they, just got one to, not as grand as this though,
20 Jul, 2009