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Photos tagged as "April"

  • Thermopsis lanceolata (Thermopsis lanceolata)
    By Andrewr
  • Rhodotypos scandens (Rhodotypos scandens)
    By Andrewr
  • Daphne tangutica (Daphne tangutica)
    By Andrewr
  • Iberis sempervirens 'Snowflake' (Iberis sempervirens 'Snowflake')
    By Andrewr
  • Clematis x cartmanii 'Moonbeam' (Clematis x cartmanii 'Moonbeam')
    By Andrewr
  • Clematis x cartmanii 'Moonbeam' - close-up (Clematis x cartmanii 'Moonbeam')
    By Andrewr
  • Unnamed variety (Muscari armeniacum (Grape hyacinth))
    By Andrewr
  • Clematis macropetala 'Clochette Pride' (Clematis macropetala)
    By Andrewr
  • Anemone sylvestris 'Flore Pleno' (Anemone sylvestris)
    By Andrewr
  • Primula rosea (Primula rosea)
    By Andrewr
  • Euphorbia polychroma (Euphorbia polychroma)
    By Andrewr
  • Euphorbia polychroma - close-up (Euphorbia polychroma)
    By Andrewr