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Photos tagged as "August"

  • Eucomis bicolor - 2013 (Eucomis bicolor)
    By Andrewr
  • Pontederia cordata - 2013 (Pontederia cordata)
    By Andrewr
  • Crocosmia 'Saracen' - 2013 (Crocosmia)
    By Andrewr
  • Fuchsia magellanica 'Versicolor' - 2013 (Fuchsia magellanica)
    By Andrewr
  • Crinodendron patagua - 2013 (Crinodendron patagua)
    By Andrewr
  • Gentiana asclepiadea 'Pink Swallow' - 2013 (Gentiana asclepiadea)
    By Andrewr
  • Sedum 'Red Cauli' - 2013 (Sedum telephium)
    By Andrewr
  • Aster nova-angliae 'Violetta' - 2013 (Aster)
    By Andrewr
  • Aster frikartii 'Monch' - 2013 (Aster)
    By Andrewr
  • Deinanthe bifida - 2013 (Deinanthe bifida)
    By Andrewr
  • Chelone obliqua - 2013 (Chelone obliqua)
    By Andrewr
  • Chelone obliqua 'Alba' - 2013 (Chelone obliqua)
    By Andrewr