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Photos tagged as "March"

  • Mar 8 Front garden and drive
    By Crv1963
  • Ypsilandra thibetica - 2012 (Ypsilandra thibetica)
    By Andrewr
  • Edgeworthia chrysantha - 2012 (Edgeworthia chrysantha)
    By Andrewr
  • Daphne odora 'Aureo-marginata' - 2012 (Daphne odora)
    By Andrewr
  • Cardamine pentaphyllos - 2012 (Cardamine pentaphyllos)
    By Andrewr
  • Corylopsis veitchiana - 2012 (Corylopsis veitchiana)
    By Andrewr
  • Leucojum
    By Amy
  • Bergenia cordifolia
    By Amy
  • Helleborus     ''   Silver Dollar  ''
    By Amy
  • Fritillaria sewerzowii - 2012 (Fritillaria sewerzowii)
    By Andrewr
  • Ribes sanguineum 'White Icicle' - 2012 (Ribes sanguineum 'White Icicle')
    By Andrewr
  • Daphne odora 'Geisha Girl' - 2012 (Daphne odora)
    By Andrewr