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Photos tagged as "clematis"

  • Clematis 'Comtesse de Bouchaud'
    By Drc726
  • Clematis 'Fujimusume'
    By Karensusan63
  • Clematis      Princess Diana
    By Amy
  • Clematis     Rouge Cardinal
    By Amy
  • Pale blue clem's bud name
    By Klahanie
  • Clematis 'Ooh La La' and Rosa 'Noble Anthony'
    By Karensusan63
  • Clematis 'Polish Spirit'
    By Kasy
  • Clematis 'Comtesse de Bouchaud'. I can never resist take a photo of this one. It has to have Epsom salts 3 times during the growing season or it goes very brown and spotted.
    By Drc726
  • Clematis Hagley Hybrid (Clematis jackmanii)
    By Geranium_gem
  • Clematis Hagley Hybrid (Clematis jackmanii)
    By Geranium_gem
  • Clematis Hagley Hybrid (Clematis jackmanii)
    By Geranium_gem
  • image
    By Lammie