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Photos tagged as "lily"

  • Hoverfly
    By Meanie
  • Gloriosa Rothschildiana (gloriosa rothschildiana)
    By Meanie
  • Good value Lillies
    By Meanie
  • tiger lily (lilium lancifolium splendens)
    By Nancym
  • Red Oriental Lily (Lily)
    By Steve_dj
  • Asiatic Lily "Blackout"
    By David
  • Clematis 'Comtesse de Bouchard'
    By Sewingkilla
  • Hanging basket
    By Sewingkilla
  • Lily 'Tiger Woods'
    By Sewingkilla
  • White lily
    By Okasia
  • Jacaranda seedlings
    By Lori
  • sorghum?
    By Lori