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Photos tagged as "tree"

  • Angel Tree
    By Readbythepond
  • Poinciana (Delonix regia (Acacia Roja))
    By Bernieh
  • Down the front driveway
    By Bernieh
  • Jacaranda (Jacaranda acutifolia (Purple Jacaranda))
    By Bernieh
  • Magnificent gum
    By Bernieh
  • Fiddlewood (Citharexylum spinosum)
    By Bernieh
  • Gum Trees
    By Bernieh
  • Golden Showers (Cassia fistula (Golden shower tree))
    By Bernieh
  • Crepe Myrtle (Lagerstroemia speciosa)
    By Bernieh
  • Gums - after the rain
    By Bernieh
  • Unknown (Tabebuia heterophylla)
    By Bernieh
  • Tabebuia heterophylla - Pink Trumpet Tree (Tabebuia heterophylla)
    By Bernieh