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Photos tagged as "trees"

  • Cytisus  c battandieri
    By Amy
  • Cytisus  c. Battandieri
    By Amy
  • Central Garden from above
    By Karensusan63
  • my tree's/apricot
    By Drfadi
  • my tree's/apricot
    By Drfadi
  • my tree's/peaches
    By Drfadi
  • The Garden Today 8
    By Karensusan63
  • Philadelphus in flower
    By Clematisa
  • Moving plants for colour
    By Clematisa
  • Lilly almost hidden.
    By Clematisa
  • Mature Acer Palmatum atropurpurem .
    By Bonkersbon
  • The Octagons 'Sittouterie'
    By Karensusan63