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Photos tagged as "winter"

  • Sarcococca hookeriana var Digyna (Sarcococca hookeriana (Sweet box))
    By Karensusan63
  • Good morning:) (Helleborus niger (Christmas rose))
    By Kasy
  • American robin (Turdus migratorius)
    By Elke
  • Helleborus - Hillier Hybrid Burgundy (Helleborus 'Hillier Hybrid burgundy')
    By Scottish
  • Gaultheria (Gaultheria procumbens (Box Berry))
    By Scottish
  • Galanthus Nivalis...for my catalogue (Galanthus Nivalis)
    By Karensusan63
  • Galanthus Nivalis flore pleno (Galanthus Nivalis Flore Pleno)
    By Karensusan63
  • Helleborus Orientalis 'Harvington double apricots' (Helleborus Orientalis)
    By Karensusan63
  • Crocus gold/cream
    By Karensusan63
  • Crocus tomassinianus 'whitewell purple' (Crocus tommasinianus (Crocus))
    By Karensusan63
  • Crocus (purple...more purple than in this photo)
    By Karensusan63
  • White Crocus
    By Karensusan63