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Photos tagged as "winter"

  • redpolls_Jan_3.jpg
    By Elke
  • bluejay_conversation.jpg
    By Elke
  • 2_bluejays.jpg
    By Elke
  • mourning_doves_snow_bath.jpg
    By Elke
  • mature_in_tree_x-zoom.jpg
    By Elke
  • immature_in_tree_x-zoom4.jpg
    By Elke
  • junco_front.jpg
    By Elke
  • DSCF2171_2.jpg
    By Elke
  • 2_mourning_doves_in_apple_tree.jpg
    By Elke
  • Female_grosbeak.jpg
    By Elke
  • Male and female grosbeaks. The males are so bright in their yellow-gold plumage.
    By Elke
  • Mourne Mountains
    By Littledove