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Photos tagged as "yellow"

  • pale yellow (Turnera subulata)
    By Autumn
  • After the rain
    By Autumn
  • Okra (Gumbo, lady's finger)
    By Autumn
  • Yellow flower
    By Autumn
  • Enjoy ! (Hemerocallis)
    By Diohio
  • Yellow potulaca flowers (potulaca)
    By Justjan
  • Yellow trumpet Plant @ Chalice Vine (Solandra Longiflora)
    By Justjan
  • Close up of yellow flower (Turnera ulmifolia)
    By Justjan
  • Purple orchids given to mummy. (dendrobium)
    By Justjan
  • Yellow orchids in the Orchid Garden, Singapore Botanic Garden
    By Justjan
  • Pretty prims... (Primula)
    By Majeekahead
  • My first little daffs.. (narcissus)
    By Majeekahead