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Photos tagged as "yellow"

  • Sorry, I don't know what these are either!
    By Gee19
  • Fully uncurled.
    By Gee19
  • French Marigold, "Naughty Marietta"
    By Johnm
  • Ozark Sundrops (Evening Primrose) (Oenothera macrocarpa (Yellow Evening Primrose))
    By Elke
  • Ozark Sundrops (Oenothera macrocarpa) (Oenothera macrocarpa (Yellow Evening Primrose/Ozark Sundrop))
    By Elke
  • Lilium. Yellow (Lilium Yellow.)
    By Dottydaisy2
  • Yellow lily by the beehives
    By Van
  • Yellow daisies
    By Elke
  • BIG POTS....little garden ( the right way up this time!) (Cycas revoluta)
    By Junglejen
  • Happy Garden...even the Clematis is smiling!
    By Junglejen
  • 'Oasis'
    By Junglejen
  • LION
    By Junglejen