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Banskia marginata - 2009
By Andrewr

21 Oct, 2009
This was planted in March 2006. I counted fifty flowers and buds on it this autumn
Comments on this photo
Absolutely marvelous, looks great
21 Oct, 2009
Fantastic - it's a beauty.
21 Oct, 2009
Unusual in every respect. So what's beneath it? (You know how I love your combinations!)
23 Oct, 2009
In front of it is daphne 'Eternal Fragrance' with a self-sown aquilegia to the side
24 Oct, 2009
At least this "transatlantic cross" made it across the pond to nurseries here. Having some difficulty locating many of your specialties, which makes for a good winter online project: plant hunting!
24 Oct, 2009
Orgratis - I know what you mean. I've just finished reading Dan Hinkley's latest book (on shrubs and climbers) and there are some beauties in there that aren't avaliable over here.
I am also on the look out for new plants whenever I am on holiday. Found a new (to me) berberis over in France back in June and now trying to track one down here in the UK, also a grass I spotted while online this afternoon!
24 Oct, 2009
You've mentioned Berberis before, like "Admiration" which does sound special. Noticed many kinds of Loropetalum offered here which I've used some in FL: great burgundy foliage without the spines. Have you tried that?
24 Oct, 2009
Loropetalums are not reliably hardy here (-5C is reckoned about their limit) and I've lost mine in both the last two winters. I have one planted elsewhere in the garden, ready to lift and bring indoors as soon as the temperatures start to drop.
Berberis 'Admiration' is a new variety I saw for sale earlier this year with red foliage on a small plant for much of the season; I know berberis will survive the British winter without any worry
24 Oct, 2009
I'm really impressed Andrew, its a smashing plant.
25 Oct, 2009
Thanks Rbtkew, I'm really chuffed with how well this has performed. I bought it from Trevena Cross Nursery in Cornwall who specialise in a lot of southern hemisphere plants. Their catalogue is brilliant because as well as describing the size and flowers of a plant, they tell you its growing conditions and likely hardiness. Their entry for this one reads "...plant in very well-drained soil, with added grit, in full sun. Do not add any phosphates.....should be happy down to about -10C." I followed this to the letter and added a brick wall behind to the equation and this is the result.
25 Oct, 2009
What a great plant !
I've just read up on it and i want one !!!
I've also just looked at Trevenas website, which looks good and will look at length later on :-)
25 Oct, 2009
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This photo is of "Banksia marginata" in Andrewr's garden
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Well done Andrew....Its obviously happy there........
21 Oct, 2009