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A Cycad.
By Stan510

28 Apr, 2019
Cycas circinalis. Had it since 2001 when it was in a 6" pot and about as tall. Its been through a lot..and has a huge will to live. Soon it will flush all new fronds and then I remove last years.
I like its palm like look and I think looks better in a pot than as just another small palm in the ground.
Comments on this photo
I love these but no where to over winter them mine died it's a stunner Stan well done.
28 Apr, 2019
That Kate is a Euphorbia trigona 'rubra' I started it around 13 years ago as a wee houseplant. I think its rooted through the one drainage hole in that ceramic pot and into the ground.
Penny,Cycads are hard to grow indoors. Most palms are too despite being sold everywhere.
29 Apr, 2019
As I found out when mine died. Yes I have a parlour palm indoors which does nt do well Stan.
29 Apr, 2019
Plans changed Penny,all. After this,my big potted "cactus" in the side of my house? I had to cut it down..roots had rotted and it wasn't safe. Now this Cycad is in that big planter 5'x2'x2' in feet.
30 Apr, 2019
Thats such a shame Stan you lost your c
Cactus I wonder why it's roots had rotted. At least you now have your lovely Cyvad in its place.
1 May, 2019
Thanks Stan, I’ll have to look it up. Very exotic!
1 May, 2019
No problemo Kate!..they do GREAT as indoors plants. next to a sunny window- even in the UK,they can last decades and get in time very large.
Penny..we had twice as many rainy days this winter than average..even though that rains total was only average.
With little time to dry out,something like that plant's roots in the big planter died.
When i dug out the trunk? only three roots of of inch diameter were all it had. For a 12' tall plant.
Since it never would be safe again..out it went. Had it since 2002 or so. It's ok,I have even larger in ground.
1 May, 2019
So it was leaving the roots wet that killed it off at least you know for the next time. Not a lot of root left then glad you still have one in the ground.
1 May, 2019
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Looks a fine specimen Stan, just wondering, what is the plant on the left of the picture? The upright one?
Like the ship lap on your house too!
28 Apr, 2019