You can visit our Daphne alpina page or browse the pictures using the next and previous links. If you've been inspired take a look at the Daphne plants in our garden centre.
ıts called daphne
By Marina

5 Jan, 2008
ı foun dıt ın the ınternet and ı would love ınformatıon about ıt
does anyone know how ı can fınd ıt and how ı have to take care of ıt?
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See who else is growing Daphne alpina (Maljavi Likovac).
See who else has plants in genus Daphne.
Daphne Odora 'Aureomarginata'
£14.50 at Burncoose -
Daphne Mezereum 'Rubra'
£14.00 at Burncoose -
Daphne Odora
£22.00 at Burncoose -
Daphne Laureola Subsp. Philippi
£25.00 at Burncoose -
Daphne Pontica
£25.00 at Burncoose
Use the RHS website - - and click on Plant Finder. Entering daphne alpina gives three nurseries who can supply it and they all do mail order.
Daphnes have a reputation for being difficult and short-lived but I think this is undeserved. Give them what they want, avoid extremes of drought and waterlogging, and they should be fine. Daphne alpina requires a sunny, well-drained position. Although it grows on limestone in the wild, it will tolerate acid or alkaline soils. Two things to remember with all daphnes - they don't like root disturbance so tip it out of the pot and put it straight in the soil (don't tease the roots out) and it must NEVER get dry at the root; if it does it will die.
Good luck.
5 Jan, 2008