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You can visit our Dicentra spectabilis page or browse the pictures using the next and previous links. If you've been inspired take a look at the Dicentra plants in our garden centre.

Climbing pergola

Climbing pergola (Dicentra spectabilis (Bleeding heart))

Still needs some work going to add some more climbers soon. Waiting for the last of the cold winds !

Comments on this photo


Will look great but these cold winds are unbearable .

4 May, 2010


I like that and yes, it'll look great with roses, clematis ........ could go on and on ;-)

4 May, 2010


Hi Louise, we have planted some clematis at the back, and last year we dug up about 10 similar trees (Snake bark maple) from random areas of the garden (self-seeded) and created a back drop behind for a bit of a windbreak. Problem is the trees might grow up instead of out as they weren't coppiced early enough... We wait and see : p

PS That whole shaped section behind is the Wild Flower garden (cant see it very clearly) need to cut the grass, and then beyond in the top corner is the Dell. Thinking Honeysuckle as well: )

4 May, 2010


The whole garden sounds lovely Lg, i like your ideas.

5 May, 2010


Thanks : )

5 May, 2010

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