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You can visit our Fuchsia magellanica page or browse the pictures using the next and previous links. If you've been inspired take a look at the Fuchsia plants in our garden centre.

Fuschia (Magellanica)


By Holly

Fuschia (Magellanica) (Fuchsia magellanica)

This fuschia is one of many magellanica's in my garden. I took a cutting from a neighbous plant about five years ago and it is now a very big bush and take cuttings each year for friends and family. (And me) Its so easy.

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I too love fuschias they look so difficult to grow yet are great, put on a really good display and dont seem to have many problems.

22 Jun, 2007


Hi Genuisscuffy, thankyou for your comments. I am a plantaholic a different plant every year not sure what it is this year yet. I have been posting photos today as it's raining heavy here and I'm fed up can't get in the garden, whats it like where you are? Hope it's better tomorrow as I am going to an open garden event so I will be posting photos of that.

22 Jun, 2007

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This photo is of "Fuschia Magellicana" in Holly's garden

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