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Geranium himalayense 'Plenum'
By Majeekahead

26 May, 2009
i have it labled as 'Plenum Violaceum' but i am not so sure this is correct.
Comments on this photo
This is so pretty - such a lovely flower.
26 May, 2009
Very Nice...............
26 May, 2009
thanks all, i like this one too, infact i think it was the first Geranium that i bought for this garden.
26 May, 2009
Wonderful Double Cranesbill Ang :)
26 May, 2009
Yes, G. pratense 'Plenum Violaceum'... I have this too - I liked it so much I got another one! Yours is well ahead of mine, Angie!
Lovely flower - lovely photo... :-)
26 May, 2009
Or G. himalayense 'Plenum' Spritz? The foliage is smaller than G. pratense, I think. Lovely anyway.
27 May, 2009
You could be right! I was wondering why Angie's was in flower now and mine nowhere near. That would explain it - and the leaves here are certainly narrower. SIGH - another one for the wish-list! lol.
27 May, 2009
ah now this is the dilema you see, i bough this on ebay 2 years ago, as G. pratense 'Plenum Violaceum', which is what i have it listed as here on GOY. and i propergated it by root division (have one spare if you want one Spritz!) and sold some on ebay, well one of my very knowlegable supliers on there messaged me about this one and said that it could not be G. pratense 'Plenum Violaceum' as they do not propergate from root division, and very hard to come by because of this. i did check this out and what she told me was confirmed in the book, G. himalayense 'Plenum' was also listed in the book, but with not much info, mine has a very fibious root system, that spreads underground, can be quite thugish if you let it. rather than seeding. it is low growing, quite compact rather than leggy, and the leaves have a wonderful aultumn colouring - i have never seen before on any hardy geranium..i have pic's if you want to see.
....just had another look in the book i have, and cross referenced with another book i have...i am fairly certain that it is indeed G. himalayense 'Plenum' thanks both of you :-) - is this the one on wish list Spritz?..... if so will include one with your iron cross if you like...have'nt got round to sorting that one out just yet due to horible weather :-(
27 May, 2009
YES please - that would really cheer me up. Angie! :-)) And add another beauty to my collection!
Funny that, I'm glad you told us that info. We went to an NGS garden on Sunday pm and saw what I thought was the pratense, in flower, and spreading like fury all along her path and border. She didn't know what it was. It must be the himalayense, from what you've discovered.
:-) xxxxx
27 May, 2009
sounds like, can't say that i mind this one thugging about a bit though, and consider yourself cheered :-) will prob not get to the post office again till begining of next week though, hope that's ok.
27 May, 2009
I love it !
27 May, 2009
No problem, Angie! Not wise to post before a weekend, anyway. The mail can be erratic sometimes - as we know, don't we!
27 May, 2009
yes we do lol
28 May, 2009
Very pretty nice lolour too
29 May, 2009
Thats a beauty, just found this pic.
2 Jun, 2009
My G. himalyense 'Plenum' has just started to flower, VERY like this one. I think you find it under 'Birch Double' as well.
3 Jun, 2009
Yes i saw that Vincent in my RHS guide and i do think your right, thanks all of you and glad to have got to the bottom of the mistery :-)
4 Jun, 2009
Photo 6 of 31
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This photo is of "Geranium himalayense 'Plenum'" in Majeekahead's garden
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thats lovely ang,,
26 May, 2009