Frits in pots
By podocarp
I have just completed moving all my Fritillarias into the alpine house for the winter, they seem to do better in there and bloom a little earlier and also less rotting occurs.
I am now getting the propagation area ready for the winter cuttings, mostly conifers. I have a polythene tent inside a greenhouse and have the bottom heat (electric cable) turned on at night and normally put it off through the day to conserve energy and keep my bill down a little. I will mist these from time to time as thy must not dry out.
The key is warm bottoms and cool tops.
Lots of leaf raking at the moment, the leafmould produced from this is gold.
22 Nov, 2008
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Hi welcome to GOY.
22 Nov, 2008
Hi Podocarp, Welcome to GOY.
Thanks for the advice on propagating conifers. I've often tried but had no success.
Are you going to show some photos of your garden ?
All the best, Hywel.
22 Nov, 2008