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Another JPD dissatisfied customer


Read the negative blogs on Jersey Plants Direct only wish I had read them before I placed our order!
Can relate to all of them I am not so angry as dissapointed with the lack of plants! just proves you get what you pay for or maybe not? If you havent recieved your order look on the bright side you wont be as dissapointed as we were when we recieved ours! The garden ready plants are just plugs! those that arent dead through lack of water, still waiting for the rest of our order? it is obvious that they are over streched & unable to cope with the demand!

More blog posts by poorerbutwiserman



that is such a disappointment. Have you rung them to complain?
If it is really bad perhaps trading standards should be informed.

26 May, 2011


Ring them and you will get replacements no questions asked, but they will be the same, small half dead plants :(

26 May, 2011


Oh dear, I was thinking of using Jersey Plants Direct next year as for the last two years GardeningDirect plants have been awful - and their service. I would love to know if there's actually an on-line plant shop that ACTUALLY IS ok? Anyone care to recommend? Think I'll start making a score sheet from now on ready for next Spring!

27 May, 2011


Thanks for the warning pbwm

27 May, 2011


I must say I had a problem with Suttons but they were eventually very good and gave me a refund as they hadn't any left--- other than being right in the first place I really couldn't have asked for better treatment

27 May, 2011


Sprog, I spent £26-00 on plugs from Gardening Direct, to say I am disappointed is an understatement !
How is Gucci ?

27 May, 2011

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