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By Ghlj

United Kingdom

Can anyone identify the plant in my (inherited) garden, please? It is a shrub/tree around 10 foot high and has grown well despite the weather of the last 2 years. It is flowering now (see photo) but flowered earlier last year. The bark is rust brown and peels. Any advice very welcome.



possibly an arbutus but cant be certain.

12 Sep, 2012


Definitely Arbutus, not sure whether its A. andrachnoides or A. unedo 'rubra'; the former is known for its smooth, peeling, cinnamon coloured bark, but usually has white flowers, either in spring or autumn - the latter has pink flowers now.

12 Sep, 2012


Many thanks to Seaburngirl and Bamboo. It's a great help to know what the plant is although I now realise I have another problem in containing its growth. It is already obscuring a summer jasmine on the wall behind.

12 Sep, 2012

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