Will damaged Thuja regrow?
By Lily2
United Kingdom
Recently I had some hard landscaping material delivered and it seems that the lorry's exhaust has burnt some of the bushes alongside the drive. An area about 2'6" high and 12" wide on adjoining bushes, a Thuja and Euonymous is suddenly dead looking. I can cut out the damaged area on the euonymous and hopefully it will grow back but I'm not sure what to do about the Thuja (Emeraude I believe, about 8' high). Should I cut it out too or leave it? I can't think what else can have caused the damage.
21 Jun, 2009
Thanks Nicky. Yes definitely is Thuja but not damage caused by cat spraying unless it is a lion with an extremely large bladder! It is a very large solidly defined area on both bushes so can't think of any other sudden cause other than heat burn. Would post a photo but my camera is still not back from repair. Will it regrow from the damaged part or should I cut that out back to the stem?
22 Jun, 2009
Not sure, it may do but it depends how badly its been singed by the exhaust, or the Native British Big Bladdered Lion.
Perhaps cut some back it damaged part and see if it does before hacking back far in
25 Jun, 2009
Thanks for the info Nicky but even more, thanks for the BIG laugh you gave me re the NBBBL. Haven't had one of those for a while, it's still making me smile and it's 6 hours later! I was tempted to share your humour and include this reply when commenting on your blog but thought I had better keep things separate.
Good luck at Hampton Court.
26 Jun, 2009
Thuja will grow back if cut into brown wood, just make sure it is thuja and not something else. Bit if week feed and water if dry will benefit it.
It may be dog or cat wee thats has possible casued the die back?
21 Jun, 2009