A Puzzle question!!!
By Spritzhenry
West Somerset,
Just for fun and to see if you look closely at flowers, can you tell me what this is?

6 May, 2008
6 May, 2008
Both wrong! Anyone else want a try? I think you will be surprised to learn what it is!
6 May, 2008
a Lilley
6 May, 2008
Sorry, Trouble, still wrong! I'll wait until this time tomorrow and tell you all then in case anyone else wants a guess..
6 May, 2008
6 May, 2008
Aaah - you are getting closer, Buzzbee. Now I've given you all a big clue! ;-)
6 May, 2008
6 May, 2008
looks like part of a horsechestnut flower
6 May, 2008
7 May, 2008
Celandine, you are absolutely right - WELL DONE! That is exactly what it is! Doesn't it look different close up - really exotic! :-D
7 May, 2008
It certainly does, Barbara! I love to see the big horsechestnuts in flower - really spectacular. Is this one in flower now? Seems early?
7 May, 2008
Yes, it's fully out. I can't remember exactly when it flowered last year. I shall know next year, won't I!
7 May, 2008
I just spotted one today fully in bloom, so I guess it;s that time again :-S If I sound disappointed, it's because the horsechestnuts coming into bloom usually coincides with the start of my hayfever :-(
8 May, 2008
Poor thing - my husband is a suffererer too - a good excuse (for him, not you!!!) not to go in the garden!
8 May, 2008
I get hayfever whether I'm indoors or out, so it doesn't really matter with me where I am. At least you get your garden all to yourself!
10 May, 2008
Looks like a Rhododendron or Azaelia flower.
6 May, 2008