Rothschildiana / Gloriosa
By Sara1668
United Kingdom
We purchased the above named plant, ( well i think that is what it is called ) from the garden show, but the information attached is not in english. A climbing plant large red flowers, ( very pretty)
Replaneted as advised from the seller, placed in a sunny postion and watered twice daily. appeared to be thriving, but this morning we noticed that the new buds and the tips of some of the leaves have gone black.
Does this planet just not like us, and has lost the will to live, or are we doing somethink wrong, Please Help !!!!!
21 Jun, 2009
Your plant's full name is Gloriosa superba 'Rothschildiana' widely grown for their brightly coloured flowers. This Glory Lily, or Climbing Lily is a tropical plant and will thrive outdoors only in a frostfree, warm climate. In cooler areas it is best grown indoors in a pot.
This is a quote from Botanica 1997 edn.
Plant the tubers in late spring in full sun and rich well-drained soil, fertilising as the stems begin to elongate. Protect from wind and provide support.'
So, it seems as if you have done all the right things so far. I suspect this tender plant may have caught a chill, and the blackening is possibly due to very low overnight temperature at some stage.
Sorry I can't be more definite than that, but I hope this helps a little.
22 Jun, 2009