help with my huge agave
By Kellycor
United Kingdom
Hi ,I have a beautiful large americana agave which has grown in my back garden for about 8 years and is now approx 4ft wide here in the north east of england, surprises everyone that sees it!!, but this year the very inner core has rotted away and I do not know if I should expect it to die or is there something that I can do for it because all the rain will just sit in a puddle in the middle of it .
Anyone one out there ever experienced this ?
would be grateful for any advice
On plant
Americana Agave
6 May, 2008
HI Lizzie,
It doesn't sound too good to me. I did have a smaller one of mine that went all slimy a few years ago. I removed what I could and it did eventually recover, albeit a bit lopsided.
Is yours planted outside?
I too have a very large specimen over 40 years old now. I have it in a huge pot on a trolley that I wheel undercover in October, then out again in April. It doesn't seem to mind the cold as long as it's dry and light.
Are there any babies at the base of the plant you could propagate?
I hope it does recover, I know how attached one can get to these plants. Try and shelter it from rain, you could be lucky.
All the best,
4 Apr, 2009