Purchase of Convulvulus Cnoreum
By Keir
United Kingdom
I wish to purchase a Conv. Cnoreum, but the only way seems to be via mail. This method often disappoints - apart from incurring fairly high costs. Does anyone know of a plantsman in the north London area who would stock this shrub please? Obviously nobody does know the answer..and although many showed both willing and in some cases indignation, all I really sought was an address of a plantsman - who might stock this plant. All the other good intentions were to no avail. Sorry to have offended those who only want to chat.
On plant
Convulvulus cneorum
22 Jun, 2009
Mine IS in flower, Bamboo I would have thought that Garden Centres should have it??
Use your Yellow Pages and ring round, Keir. You should be able to find one in your area.
22 Jun, 2009
Spritz:They did 8 weeks ago, I saw loads of them, cos that's when they were in flower here in London. Finished in the gardens here a 2/3 weeks ago.
23 Jun, 2009
I think mine has an odd flower most of the year! :-)
24 Jun, 2009
??? Where do u see these as silly Answers Keir??? I think they are Helping you in what way they can & are using their know how ,
25 Jun, 2009
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I'm surprised - this shrub is much more common in the garden centre than it used to be, although, of course, most garden centres stock it when its actually in flower. Have you asked your nearest garden centres if they can order it in for you?
22 Jun, 2009