any ideas for perrinials coloured magenta, hot pink, bright pink
By Lemondog
United Kingdom
for flowering next year, seed to sow if possible. thanks
22 Jun, 2009
And geranium psilostemon
22 Jun, 2009
I have an amazing Lychnis called 'Firefly'...
22 Jun, 2009
Defo Dianthus - they come in all those colours! Don't think you can buy seed, but they are dead easy to propagate from cuttings - buy one plant now and you could have dozens by this time next year.
22 Jun, 2009
sidalcea, pyrethrums, lychnis coronaria, erigeron, echinacea, dianthus, centaurea dealbata, astilbe, bergenia, asters, anemone, alstroemeria
22 Jun, 2009