Persian Buttercups
By Paticiamb
United States
I put in some bulbs in that I forgot to plant in early spring. Now they are about 9" tall, they are pointed long leaves, like a Walking Iris. and all the pics I looked at they are not! Is there a variety with pointed leaves? Live in Florida so think I am too late for blooms although it looks like 2 of them are trying Can someone help? I will get pic on here tomorrow. Thanks
On plant
Rananculus Asiaticul
22 Jun, 2009
You are so right!!! They were not Persian Buttercups. (those never grew) After blooming they are the most beautiful Acidentheria's! The flowers are so delicate, white with purple centers and a touch of yellow. For awhile they looked like Harlequins but after "investigating" I know they are acidentheria's. Never heard of them but I will grow again next year.
10 Jul, 2009
They should have a lovely fragrance too. A beautiful mistake to have got the right end of!!
15 Jul, 2009
Yes they are magnificent. I will put a picture of them up on this site1 Have a great day.
15 Jul, 2009
They must have been wrongly labelled, wait and see what the flowers are like.
10 Jul, 2009