By Tropicalbabe
United Kingdom
Is it too late to take penstemom cuttings,and how would I get them through the winter??
14 Sep, 2012
The usual and recommended method of propagation is cuttings august/ september, they,re not usually suitable for division, Derek.
14 Sep, 2012
Should be lots of none flowering shoots to choose from now. Have a go as it is no loss to you or the plants.....especially if they are large. I upend a large transparent orchid pot over the cuttings and they have taken already, as far as I can tell. The holes in the pot help vent the cuttings and you can water through the top too. Cuttings only taken recently.
15 Sep, 2012
Thanks I will try both,but I usually lose everything overwintered,mainly because i forget to water them,outta sight outta mind!!!
16 Sep, 2012
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No. Now is a good time. If you have a free draining soil plant 6 inch firm stems with the bottom half's leaves removed, in a sheltered spot outdoors now. Plant them with at least 3 inches in the ground. Give them some frost protection on very cold days.
Alternatively try to over winter them in a greenhouse,cold frame or on a bright indoor windowsill
14 Sep, 2012