Can I prune back my buddlia without killing it.
By Verity
United Kingdom
I have moved into a new house and the buddlia has been very neglected. It is all dead wood underneath with new growth at the top. If I were to cut this right back would it kill it and when would be the right time to to this.
23 Jun, 2009
buddleja davidii needs to be pruned in early spring.
I have buddlejas which need to be pruned after flowering,such as,Alternifolia agathosma and honeycombe
23 Jun, 2009
Previous question
« I have a Cytisus 'Boskoop Ruby'. It flowered beautifully in the spring and...
If you prune it now, you'll lose any flowers it might be producing. Just tidy it up a bit, if it's in the way. Come February you can be ruthless with it, cutting it back to 6-9 ins above ground level. It will probably appreciate it. If you can get hold of some brick dust, work this in gently round the base of the tree. It will enjoy that.
23 Jun, 2009