Identify garden flower
By Tonyy
United Kingdom
last year it came from nowhere, over 4ft tall nearer 5 ft at present and still growing, leaves not unlike foxglove in texture,growing to over 12 inches long at base, they grow with a half twist. Single stemed, mine has small yellow flowers, grouped together like a holly hock, this year has spread to four main stems, any ideas please ???
23 Jun, 2009
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is it the native mullien? i know its a verbascum but cant remeber which one.
24 Jun, 2009
A native mullein has woolly leaves, so that makes it sound like verbascum nigra.
24 Jun, 2009
I think these are terrific. I have two in my garden and each year I wonder if they're going to be taller than the year before. Verbascum, either chaixii or nigrum, but as you have four main stems rather than branches, I would think it's Verbascum chaixii.
23 Jun, 2009