By Szurkatron
United Kingdom
I have a very old plum tree at the bottom of the garden which usually gives loads of fabulous victoria plums. What a disaster this year all of the fruit is eaten away and every leaf is full of huge holes what is wrong and what can I do. Our compost heap is at the foot of the tree.
15 Sep, 2012
thanks for the responses guys. The apples on the small wall creeper were not so good either. But on the plus side loads of blackberries, raspberries and good old rhubarb.
16 Sep, 2012
We are in North Shropshire too and no plums except for 1 Marjorie which was full of worms. We are hoping that this break in production will reduce the number of worms in future as it will take a while for the population to recover. No sloes either and very very few Damsons.
The trees also are going down for Winter very early, the leaves are getting very old and tired ( just like me).
I would not let the damaged plums you have go on to the heap though. They are a source of Brown rot for next year. Collect up fallen fruit and dispose of in the Compost bin or burn.
16 Sep, 2012