By Gooseygander
United Kingdom
Pony tails grass
I've got a pony tails grass in my garden and am thinking about moving it. Will it be ok in a shady corner or does it need full sun, which it has at the moment? Thanks
16 Sep, 2012
Equisetum 'Horses tail' can be grown as plant, I think Paul grows it?
It is invasive though if grown in the ground, it likes wet soil in full or partial shade, needs to be watered every day if in the ground, grown in ponds and wet gardens, they will survive in the coldest winter.
16 Sep, 2012
DON'T MOVE IT NOW. It will not have time to settle in and may well die over the colder months.
17 Sep, 2012
Do you mean "harestail" grass? Lagurus ovatus, if so then it needs full sun.
The only thing I can think of , with anything to do with horses, {which it hasn,t actually} is a pernicious weed called mares tail, {common name}, Derek.
16 Sep, 2012