care details for cala lillies
United Kingdom
my cala lily keeps dropping stems and leaves i have been watering from the bottom,standing in water, the stems just fall over as though been broke and the whole stem comes away from the plant
26 Jun, 2009
thanks, i have tried leaving it until it is dryish but it still wilted so i thought it needed water ,any more tips will be helpful i have always wanted to grow one of these plants and have seen some great specimens so any help will be much appreciated. if i planted in the garden would that help, i know they need protecting in frost and winter.
26 Jun, 2009
Calla Lilli's love water David, there happy at the side of a pond, but i wouldn't stand it in water, Mine is planted in my border and gets watered every day, same as my other plants, for winter protection i covered it with compost, then straw, then compost again and it survived the awfull winter we had and its had 6 flowers all ready :))))) its a beautifull plant..
26 Jun, 2009
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« It is white no pink in itand tall and easily available in flower shops
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Are you saying you leave it sitting in water? If so, it's probably rotting. When you water, only do it when the compost is dryish, remove any excess water from whatever it's standing in after 30 minutes.
26 Jun, 2009