By Monjardinlra
A "correspondent" in Shropshire (Ellesmere) has just been given a book about unusual vegetables and wondered where he could get some Jerusalem artichoke tubers to put in his new allotment... (yes, I think he's batty, too, but he reckons they're more edible than the weeds he's got there at present!) Anyone nearby got any to spare or have you all succeeded in eradicating them?
18 Sep, 2012
Hi Owdboggy, there weren't (allotments), around his patch, recently, they had been left to go to weeds and noone knew who geered them,but Micheal found 3 behind his house one abandoned and is, trying, there are 3 allotments but it seems the horrible developers are winning, the paths and the allotments are wilting, and despite his best efforts (he's 69 years of age so inevitably it takes time) there's no incentive to grow things (hey, but, well he and I are a product of 60s rebellious) so he's been fighting for them (keeping the allotments not the Jerusalem artichokes). You're probably not on the same scenario but it might be worth being in contact 'cos I think FINALLY my ex-husband is growing things!... and hey we gardeners always need converts!
I'm sure Micheal would love to meet you (though he woud be humbled by your garden as I would) regards nadia (monjardinlra)
18 Sep, 2012
ps the book was james wong it seems, anyone read this one? I have to say I haven't yet.. on Radio 4 I'm told hence why our son gifted it (?!)
18 Sep, 2012
Didn't realise there were allotments in Ellesmere (3 and 3/4 miles from us).
Sorry we were fortunate to be able to get rid of them eventually.
18 Sep, 2012