I love the ptilotus exaltatus joey have been looking online to but one but no one seems to recognise it any ideas where i can get one please.
By Millie
United Kingdom
dont know anything about it but have just seen a picture
29 Jun, 2009
i have it and it is a frost tender perennial. originally from australia.
i am going to try and keep it going in the greenhouse over winter.
I paid 20p per plug at the weekend.
bargain :o)
29 Jun, 2009
Where from Sg?
29 Jun, 2009
we have a man who has dicount plants that he sells from the local layby. often they are B&Q's surplus stock. these came from a lincolnshire grower, though he was selling them as a new form of phygelius. bought them anyway and then asked here and a name was forth coming :o)
i potted them up and in a week or two they will end up in the planting schemes.
29 Jun, 2009
millie are you from kent england ? i ask as your icon says usa.
if you are uk based look on the RHS website. it has a plantfinder section.
if you are in the usa you may have a similar website.
30 Jun, 2009
Am from the garden of england, thanks for all replies
30 Jun, 2009
Just bought it at Home Depot in Quincy (near Boston, MA)
2 Aug, 2009
Park Seed Company has the seed in their 2008-2009 seed catloug and I found it easy to germinate.
21 Sep, 2009
I think it will be something that will start appearing in pot bedding in due course Millie. Seed may well become available too. Will have to look into it myself as it does look a smashing plant though an annual so probably good flowering performance but dies at the end of the season.
29 Jun, 2009