I want a flowering shrub for my tiny front garden
By Grunty
United Kingdom
I live in the UK and have a tiny front garden and want to remove the non-flowering shrub for something that flowers every year(I am a non gardener,just starting out!!!!) and doesn't grow too high,say 4-5ft. Any ideas??
1 Jul, 2009
Lots of morning sun
1 Jul, 2009
Not Camellia then! If its a small space then you presumably would prefer an evergreen flowering shrub - what about a Pieris japonica, preferably one with variegated leaves. They flower in the spring, look good all year, and new leaves grow red initially. If its sheltered, Cistus corbariensis - covered in saucer flowers for about a month in May, evergreen the rest of the year.
1 Jul, 2009
Choisya ternata Sundance - yellow leaved evergreen, white flowers May/June, gets 5 x 5 feet though, so it's as wide as its tall
1 Jul, 2009
Weigela florida with a variegated leaf is a very easy reliable shrub with loads of pink white flowers in early summer and the small variegated leaves are attractive too. Its deciduous.
Or perhaps a hebe. There are lots to choose from.
1 Jul, 2009
If you're a new gardener, then I wouldn't suggest the Pieris. They must have acid soil, so unless you do a test and can be sure, then don't get one.
The Choisya and Weigela are good suggestions, especially the choisya, although it's a spring flowering plant.
Do you have a particular colour in mind or a time of year for the flowers?
What about a rose?
1 Jul, 2009
Well yes, Pieris don't like limey soil, but they grow very well here in London and we're Ph neutral. The acid test (!) is if you're aware of people living near you growing blue hydrangeas or rhododendrons/azaleas - that means the soil must be reasonably lime free. And you could always add ericaceous compost when you plant - IF you like the Pieris idea;-)
1 Jul, 2009
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How much sun does it get?
1 Jul, 2009