Can I safely compost mares tail?
By Sezhope
United Kingdom
I didn't realise my mares tail had infested the lawn, and after mowing yesterday have now found loads of patches of mares tailin it. I've already put the clippings in my (well established) compost heap. will I now spread the spores when I use the compost in the future?
3 Jul, 2009
kill it all asap
x x x
3 Jul, 2009
I think equisetum was put here by aliens as nothing can destroy it. It even came up through a membrane covering the patio and it took three years of pulling up every single piece immediately it became visible that I eventually eradicated it there. I've glyphosated it, toasted it with flame guns, poured salt over it, pulled it out by hand repeatedly, tried to dig out the roots and even cut it regularly with a lawn mower. One patch of garden I covered with black plastic for 18 months. We then sowed it with clover but the horsetail was back within months. It is a truly immortal weed and whatever you do, don't put it in the compost heap or shred it.
Apparently you can use it to make a natural fungicide by soaking it for a week or two in water and using the spray for peach leaf curl or against blight, though must admit haven't tried it for that yet.
4 Jul, 2009
I would put the Mares Tails directly into the rubbish bin, not even the Council composting bin. Any piece of root will surely grow and I would not trust the foliage not to grow.
3 Jul, 2009