Ants eatng away at my fatsia japonica
By Caroleybird
United Kingdom
Foundout that it is ants eating away at manyof the leaves - can i deter the ants away from my lovely new plant - any home made solutions to this problem
thank you
5 Jul, 2009
Not sure - only saw ants on the leaves.
Found online a tip - put mint in the pot as ants do not like mint -wotrt a try.
5 Jul, 2009
Ants don't eat vegetation. As bamboo says, they must be feeding on some other pest on your Fatsia.
5 Jul, 2009
You can obviously tell that I am a true amateur gardener - I thought the ants were doing the gorging of my plant.
I do appreciate you all taking the time to help me (or should I say help my plants).
5 Jul, 2009
You might want to spray for the aphids though - you could use a systemic insecticide as its not a food plant.
5 Jul, 2009
Whose spray do you recommend.
6 Jul, 2009
there's plenty of ready made bug sprays out there that treat aphids - personally, I always use Roseclear 3 and mix it up myself in a sprayer - it's a combined fungicide/pesticide, so you've always got something to treat either with, but that's just my preference, saves too many bottles hanging about. And i always find the ones you mix yourself are more effective anyway.
6 Jul, 2009
Many thanks - will try it.
6 Jul, 2009
Previous question
« Hi there, caterpillars are eating all of the plants in my garden. they aren't...
Are you sure its the ants? And that your Fatsia is not infested with blackfly which the ants are encouraging to get their honeydew?
5 Jul, 2009