My Berberis aren't doing too well and I'd like to know what else I can do for them.
By Sallymorley
United Kingdom
I planted them into the garden in late April. The soil is well drained (although I'm not sure what type of soil it is) and the spot quite sunny. However they don't seem to be doing very well. They are not dying, but they are not spreading either and all the other plants I bought and planted at the same time are noticeably bigger. One has put out a token effort of new shoots, while the other one looks exactly the same as when I bought it (only it's not in bloom anymore) - no new shoots, no more flowers etc. What can I do? I live in the Highlands, about 350m above sea level, if that helps at all.
On plant
Berberis linearifolia
6 Jul, 2009
I've never grown this variety myself, but I do know that Berberis darwinii can sit there looking like it's doing nowt for the first few months!
If you're concerned, dig up the one that's not doing much, check out the rootball, see if its dry or if there's anything going on with it that you can see. If not, replant, be patient and see what happens - always assuming the plants otherwise look healthy.
6 Jul, 2009