this grows as a "weed" along my fence
By Kmccue07
United States
Does anyone have any idea what this might be. The green berries that you see in this picture turn red in the fall. the plant itself is an average of about 18 inches and not bushy...almost vine like but no long length.

7 Jul, 2009
smooth leaves
7 Jul, 2009
It looks like Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) except the ones we have here have white flowers. It is also called common nightshade and garden nightshade. It is poisonous to humans and animals and can cause big problems when it gets mixed in with cattle feed crops.
7 Jul, 2009
Thanks gilli for getting me on the right is bittersweet nightshade. now I'm off to learn more about it
7 Jul, 2009
Looks like our Deadly Nightshade but there are several species of Solanum. As far as I know all have poisonous fruits.
7 Jul, 2009
looks smart lol
7 Jul, 2009
Yeah, It's woody nightshade. Go to google images and you can see it
7 Jul, 2009
If you've got children, even ones who visit, I'd get rid of it - my son ate one of the berries when he was 18 months old off woody nightshade, thinking it was a blackberry, which grew nearby - he was in hospital for 48 hours with a heart rate twice the normal level. fortunately, he recovered.
7 Jul, 2009
bittersweet nightshade and woody nightshade are one in the same. I do like the flower on it. I already knew that nightshades that grow as weeds are poisenous...some more than others Just didn't know this was a nightshade (doesn't vine too much I guess because I keep pulling it). I will continue pulling it as I have been.
7 Jul, 2009
it is definitely woody nightshade. a british native but as previously mentioned it is posionous.
i have it in the garden and from a very young age the children were shown it and talked to about not eating things they find growing. the number of times they draggedme to the blackcurrants just to make sure they were safe to eat. bless them.
it just isnt practical to remove all poisonous plants from the garden.
7 Jul, 2009
i agree your way is best i think seaburn because in there life they will probably come across it anyway i think it looks smart
8 Jul, 2009
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Looks like what we call potato weed or perhaps the weed tobacco bush. has it furry leaves? Daisy J.
7 Jul, 2009