By Greenfingers
United Kingdom
Been away on holiday, upon returning to the UK we heard there'd been a heatwave! The Petunias have gone mad and now look a big straggly - can they be trimmed back?Will they still flower?
8 Jul, 2009
Welcome back - I hope you enjoyed your holiday! :-)
9 Jul, 2009
Had a FAB time in Majorca - can't believe that leaving my garden for 1 week has made such a difference. Tonight is the 1st night I've managed to get out in the garden and started to get things back under control.....sort of. The lawn was nearly knee high with the combined rain and heatwave last week whilst we were away!
There's so much to do but working full time gets in the way - I'm exhausted but the weekend is nearly here then I can overdose on weeding, deadheading and trimming things back! Can't wait to get my greenfingers back!
9 Jul, 2009
Glad to hear (read) that you had a good holiday - it's always nice to come home, though, isn't it!
You'll enjoy getting your garden back in shape. :-)
9 Jul, 2009
Previous question
« It is a south-facing spot, but the conifers had been there for 30 years.
Trimming back can be done, aslong as its to a leaf bud. They will flower still, but be in a week or twos time. A good feed wouldn't harm either
8 Jul, 2009