caterpillar distance travelled
By Stevesw
North Somerset,
United Kingdom
Why would hundreds of caterpillars spend the last fews days travelling along a footpath(200/300metres),cross a road apparently into a field.I ask this question because today they appear to be going back. The behavior appears strange to a novice caterpillar watcher. Could any body shed any light on the reason why. ps colour black predominently, sorry should have taken a photo
9 Jul, 2009
maybe they forgot something.
9 Jul, 2009
there going to the ugly bug ball lol food would be there reasen for moving unless they move from there food plant to pupate excuse my spelling.
10 Jul, 2009
The only thing I can think of is that they latched on to a new food source. When that ran out, instinct prompted them to return to their original food source, which may have recovered in the meantime from their predations.
9 Jul, 2009