type of plant to cover a wall
By Nalasamoht
United Kingdom
We have a bare north west facing wall which has sun in the summer months but no sun during winter.
We live right on the coast on the Lizard in Cornwall so also windy but mild.
the plant would have to be in a container.
can you suggest anything ?
10 Jul, 2009
How about Garrya elliptica. It is evergreen and has long grey tassels in winter, It responds well to pruning too.
10 Jul, 2009
I like Garrya a lot, but it can be frost sensitive through the roots if its in a container. But perhaps where you live, you don't get much frost anyway!
10 Jul, 2009
you may consider a pasiflora, passion fruit.
13 Jul, 2009
Escallonia, but don't choose one of the big varieties - there's one called Red Elf that only gets about 7 to 8 feet, and there is one even shorter, gets about 6 feet, but I can't remember the name of the variety. I suggest not using ones like "Apple blossom" because its going to be in a container, and that will mean restriction at the roots, which will mean the plant won't be happy not being able to get as big as it wants. You will need a large container, say 18 to 24 inches deep by 18 inches wide anyway, for a permanent shrub there. Escallonia is wind and salt resistant, a good coastal shrub, evergreen, flowers in May/June. You could put a variegated Euonymus in the tub too to sprawl down the front of it (this is a wind and salt resistant one too).
Alternatives: Climbing hydrangea, Cotoneaster varieties (choose carefully, some are evergreen, some not, some get huge, some are only 2 inches high)
10 Jul, 2009