By Allinone
United Kingdom
I have an acer i think it is a Platanium, it is seven years old, flowers profusely every year and is approximately four foot tall by about five fot wide, it is lovely and i was wondering how i would go about taking cuttinggs from this. thanx
12 Jul, 2009
My Acer Palmatum gets tiny flowers on stalks - rather like Lime tree flowers - every Spring, which turn into "sycamore-like" seed pods. As you say, Bamboo, extremely insignificant and hardly noticeable. Maybe there's an Acer which has slightly larger and more noticeable flowers? Just guessing here - not an expert by any means!
12 Jul, 2009
If you mean the 2 photos of the dark leaved shrub, that isn't an Acer, it's Sambucus laciniata nigrescens, my dear! No idea how to take cuttings from it though, might have time to look it up tomorrow though, if you can wait a bit;-)
12 Jul, 2009
I forgot to say its commonly known as Black Elder - be back with info on cuttings if I can find some
12 Jul, 2009
Are you sure you mean Acer? Only they're grown for their leaves - flowers are insignificant, if they flower at all, which they don't usually.
12 Jul, 2009