Sick Korean Fir (Aibes).
United Kingdom
About a metre tall (almost) and seven (?) years old. This year it has failed to make good growth, the only year I have ever known it not do well. During the spring and first part of the summer it was a bit deprived of light, due to the fact that I have had some rather tall plants placed in front of it a bit too much. But they were moved by me several weeks ago, so its light levels have increased. In March I gave it a 2" layer of well rotted farm manure, plus a generous application of Miracle-grow slow release granules. I may possibly have given it a little too much fertilizer. I am wondering whether the manure and/or fertilizer may have supplied too much nutrients and thus made it unwell. I would love to see it get better and start growing some good leaves again, as this is perhaps the most prized plant of my garden. Advise much appreciated. Can anyone help?

12 Jul, 2009
You may indeed have overfed it, I think you should remove the Manure, which could upset the symbiotic fungus that it relies on to help keep it healthy. I never feed my ones in the ground , and only sparsely when potted. That helps make them cone too.
12 Jul, 2009