Technical doh!
By Fluff
United Kingdom
Can anyone tell me...when you write a blog & include photos in amongst the you see the actual photo you have chosen or just the writing telling you what it is? I'm not getting the pics come up on the blog I'm writing ...just the text. Are they there for you to see when I publish? ;0(
12 Jul, 2009
Hello Fluff, this is really the blind leding the blind but was doing the same myself last Sunday and had to seek help just like you. The pics don't show up in the blog when you are writing, just the name of the pic but if you press 'save draft' at the bottom you will go to a page which shows you how it will look including pictures. Hope this helps, good luck!
12 Jul, 2009
Ok you 2 ....thankyou very much! I'll give it a go! :0)
12 Jul, 2009
It worked!! Thankyou! :0)))
12 Jul, 2009
All I can say is thank goodness I'm not the only person who struggles with techy stuff (my daughters despair of me!)
12 Jul, 2009
The daft thing is Twiggy...the answer to my question was on the blog page in front of me...'save your blog to drafts & you can see the photos with it'!! Double doh! :0/
12 Jul, 2009
Well done Fluff. Well the answer had to be simple or I wouldn't have known the answer! That's the trouble with Techno stuff, it gets your brain in such overload that you don't see what's in front of your nose. Glad you managed it!
13 Jul, 2009
Fluff, you only see the image once you press 'save draft', before that it's just going to be series of 'code' that comes up after you've pressed 'browse' ,selected your photo from your own files/folders on your pc and then saved draft again etc.
... with me ? :)
12 Jul, 2009