Rhubarb beetle
By Granny
United Kingdom
Please can someone tell me why the Rhubarb has been attacked by thousands of small beetles? they are a bright fluorescent green & about 1/8th inch in size. never heard of this before.They have also eaten Dock leaves , everything totally shredded.what can be done ?
13 Jul, 2009
I have seen these Beetles on Dock plants. They resemvble the bright red Lily Beetles, if so . I think it is too late to do much about them. Next year you may find it helps to put fleece over the plants, whilst they are still free from attack.
13 Jul, 2009
No I do not have any pics, plants pulled as soon as the damage was discovered. The beetle seems small & flourescent green.
14 Jul, 2009
Any chance of a picture?!
13 Jul, 2009